Conference Program
Here you can find a tabular overview of the conference program from 08.06.-10.06.23:
Here you can find the Program Booklet:
The conference will take place at Hörsaalzentrum Morgenstelle (Universität Tübingen)
Keynote speakers
Nora S. Newcombe, Ph.D., is the Laura H. Carnell Professor of Psychology at Temple University. Dr. Newcombe studied at Antioch College, where she received her degree in psychology in 1972, and at Harvard University, where she received her Ph.D. in psychology and social relations in 1976. Previously, she taught at Penn State University. Dr. Newcombe is currently president of the International Mind Brain Education Society (IMBES), past president of the Federation of Associations in Brain and Behavioral Sciences (FABBS), editor of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, and co-editor of Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. Awards include the Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award from the Society for Research in Child Development, the William James Fellow Award from APS, the Howard Crosby Warren Medal from the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the George Miller Award and the G. Stanley Hall Awards from APA, the Award for Distinguished Service to Psychological Science, also from APA, and the Women in Cognitive Science Mentor Award. She is a fellow of four divisions of the American Psychological Association (General, Experimental, Developmental, and Psychology of Women), the Association for Psychological Science, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and has been a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin, and the University of Otago. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Society of Experimental Psychologists. From 2006 to 2018, she was director of the Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center (SILC), based at Temple, with Northwestern, the University of Chicago, and the University of Pennsylvania as principal partners.
Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The development of spatial cognition
Thursday, June 8th, 10:45 – 11.45 a.m.
Carmen Sandi is a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), where she is director of the Behavioral Genetics Laboratory at the Brain Mind Institute. She was Director of the EPFL Brain Mind Institute for seven years (2012-2018) and Co-Director of the Swiss Center of Excellence for Research Synapsy (2016-2022). She is Founder and Co-President of the Swiss Stress Network (2018-present). She has also served as President of several organizations, including the European Brain and Behavior Society (EBBS; 2009-2011), the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS; 2018-2020) and the Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training Program (2019-2020). She is the Founder and past Chair of the ALBA Network (2018-2021). She was also the first Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2007-2014) and currently serves on the editorial boards of numerous journals. She serves in scientific advisory boards for several institutions and a panel member in several evaluation boards, such as the Wellcome Science Panel (2019-2021), the UK MQ Mental Health (2015-2017) and the European Research Council Neuroscience panel (ERC; 2010-2015) that she currently chairs (ERC StG; 2022- ). Her work has been published in over 250 articles and various books, and recognized with several awards, including the first Ron de Kloet Prize for Stress Research (2018), the John Scott Award on Aggression Research (2022) and the SEN Ramon y Cajal Award Lecture (2022). She was also awarded the Valkhof Chair at Radboud University (2015) and a Distinguished Visiting Scientist position at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2015). In 2016, she served as a sabbatical professor at The Rockefeller University.
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Neural circuits and metabolic pathways on the link between stress, anxiety & motivation
Friday, June 9th, 16:30 – 17:30 p.m.
Onur Güntürkün is Professor of Biopsychology at the Ruhr University Bochum. Güntürkün studied psychology at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum from 1975 to 1980, graduated with a diploma and received his doctorate in 1984. Following his doctorate, he was employed as a postgraduate at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris and at the University of California, San Diego. In 1988 he became a research assistant at the University of Konstanz and remained so until 1993. He habilitated in 1992. In 1993, as one of the youngest professors in Germany, he received a call to the Faculty of Psychology at the Ruhr University in Bochum. In 2006, Onur Güntürkün became a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. On November 27, 2013, Güntürkün was one of Izmir's representatives at their nomination presentation for Expo 2020 in Paris. He has been a member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts since 2015 and a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities since 2020. His awards include the Gerhard Hess Prize of the DFG, the Alfried Krupp Promotion Prize for Young University Teachers, an honorary doctorate from Istanbul University, the Wilhelm Wundt Medal, the Special Grand Prize of TÜBITAK, an honorary doctorate from Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, the Grand Merit Award of the Turkish Parliament, the Order of Merit of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, the Communicator Prize of the DFG, and the 17th Johannes Gutenberg Foundation Endowed Professorship at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
The unexpected evolution of the neural fundaments of complex cognition
Saturday, June 10th, 10:45 – 11:45 a.m.
Reception Event
We are excited to start the PuG with you on Wednesday, 7th of June, at our welcoming evening! From 6 PM on, you can get your conference documents and register onsite at the front desk at the foyer of the Tagungszentrum Morgenstelle. The evening offers an opportunity for first encounters and to meet your fellow science colleagues. Live music provides a nice ambiance to enjoy beer, soft drinks and vegetarian food.
Social Event
We look forward to welcoming you to the social evening on Friday at Brauwerk Freistil! The Brauwerk is known for its home-brewed beers, which, unlike its industrial counterparts, make intense flavor experiences instead of simple thirst quenching a priority.
The social evening begins directly after the conference program at 6:30 pm. International and local finger food, four free drinks and the beer garden directly at the Neckar are included in the ticket price of 80€. In addition, punting boats and an ice cream truck will be provided for a summery ambience in the beer garden.
After 10 pm the beer garden closes and the party can continue inside with music and dancing. The PuG band and the band Combo Cumbiale will provide for a hopefully unforgettable evening!
Students and PhD students can purchase a party ticket for 35€ for the later part of the evening (entrance from 9:30 pm). Two free drinks are included in the ticket price.
Book the ticket for the social evening directly with your conference registration.
Specialist group meeting
Young Scientists Meeting
he meeting of young scientists at the conference "Psychology and Brain 2023" will start on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. in the lecture hall of the Department of Psychiatry (Calwerstraße 14, 72076 Tübingen). The meeting is aimed at master's students, PhD students, post-docs and junior professors and serves the exchange and networking of all young scientists. First, the young member representatives of the DGP's Division of Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology and the DGPA will report on their activities in the past year and give an outlook on the planned activities in the coming year. Afterwards there will be an election for the representatives. We attach great importance to your suggestions and feedback.
In the second part of the meeting we will have a panel discussion about good working conditions in science. Every participant of the JuWi meeting is invited to join the panel discussion. More information can be found here:
After the young scientist meeting, we will leave together for the welcome evening of the conference. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Workshops by the JuWis
The JuWis are offering two pre-conference workshops. These will take place on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 (9:00-18:00) and Wednesday, June 7, 2023 (9:00-13:00). You can register for the workshop "fNIRS" or the workshop "Research Data Management" starting January 15, 2023 by sending an email with the subject "Preconference Workshops PuG2023" to Marie Mückstein ( Participation fees are 20 Euros for members of DGPs Division of Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology or DGPA, and 90 Euros for non-members. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the DGPA and the DGPs Fachgruppe Biologische Psychologie und Neuropsychologie. We recommend early registration, as the number of participants per workshop is limited to 20. First come first serve! Further information on the contents of the respective workshops will follow in the coming weeks.
Workshop 1: "Application of functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)"
Instructors: NIRx (Alexander von Lühmann), with guest speakers
In this workshop, the participants will be given comprehensive knowledge about the successful implementation of fNIRS experiments, from the selection of hypotheses to the planning of the experiments and the analysis of the results. The main goal of the event is to learn how to set up and conduct an fNIRS study, starting with a sound research hypothesis and a well-designed experiment. During the event, devices will be available to attendees to put what they have learned into practice and become familiar with data collection.
This course is intended for students and researchers who want to use this technology in their scientific studies. Basic knowledge of research methods and statistics is required. It is not necessary to be a NIRx customer to participate in this course.
The workshop will include the following topics:
- Introduction to fNIRS and its applications
- Overview of fNIRS analysis methods, including block averaging, generalized linear models, and functional connectivity
- Creation of fNIRS montages and useful tools
- High density applications
- Hyper Scanning
- Peripheral measurements
Workshop 2: "The data management plan - a practical introduction to the research data management of your project"
Instructors: Dr. Denise Dörfel, contact point for research data at the TU Dresden; dr Sandra Zänkert, Data Science Center of the University of Bremen; dr Sven Paßmann, Research Data Management Team at the Free University of Berlin
What is research data management? Why research data management at all? And what does FAIR have to do with research data management? Researchers collect data, analyze it, and publish it through publications, although the DFG recommends keeping data for up to 10 years after publication. Questions from colleagues about the way data is published or requests for data that is not published are not uncommon. And you or your supervisors may also want to investigate other questions with the collected data. However, without research data management, the traceability of data collection and analysis is often difficult and time-consuming for both data-collecting and data-reusing researchers. An effective way to ensure structured handling of data is to create a data management plan (DMP). Using a DMP is beneficial even when you are already in the middle of a project, as it still provides valuable support in tracking the results. And almost all funding institutions now require a data management plan or a statement on the handling of research data in research applications.
We will show you hands-on how to implement the basic aspects of research data management by creating a DMP in order to increase the quality of your data and results. The following applies in the workshop: bring your own data. You work with us directly on your data, documents, folders, etc. to take the first (or second or third) steps in your research data management. This can be the development or improvement of your folder structure or the creation of documentation about your data evaluation steps. These aspects can be recorded in the DMP, giving you a reference that you can access at any time when it comes to the traceability of data collection and processing. We discuss legal aspects and provide you with tools and assistance to professionalize your research data management.
Dr. Denise Dörfel did research and did her doctorate at the Technical University of Dresden and the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. In 2022 she switched to science management, to the contact point for research data at the TU Dresden, which takes care of all research data management issues for researchers.
Dr. Sandra Zänkert did research and her doctorate at the University of Regensburg. Since 2022 she has been working as a data steward at the Data Science Center of the University of Bremen, where she primarily supports researchers from the natural and health sciences in sustainable research data management.
Dr. Sven Paßmann was a neurophysiological researcher at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the University of Fribourg and at the MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig. Trained in didactics, he is currently designing a workshop on research data management for psychologists at the FU Berlin.
Workshop für Principal Investigators
Workshop on Open and Reproducible Science for Principal Investigators
Organizers: Gordon B. Feld & Tina Lonsdorf
The Interest Group for Open and Reproducible Science in the Section of Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology of the German Psychological Society is organizing this workshop (on June 7, 2023, 13:00 - 17:30). We would like to bring together researchers to discuss the challenges and opportunities of open and reproducible science for our field. Therefore, we cordially invite the group of professors, junior professors, research group leaders, and independent post-docs who have independent top-down control over the research philosophy in their own projects. The workshop will consist mainly of interactive sessions that will enhance interactions among participants, and therefore we encourage participation at all levels of expertise, from novice to expert. We would especially like to invite those who are still skeptical about the "new way" of doing science. A few weeks before the workshop, we will conduct a survey to gain insight into participants' attitudes toward and experiences with open and reproducible science. This will form the basis for the first workshop session, which will focus on sharing. The second workshop session will focus on what constitutes replication of an effect in our field. Overall, we hope that the workshop will stimulate more exchange about open and reproducable science.
Buddy Program
At this year's annual conference „Psychologie und Gehirn“ (PuG) there will be a buddy program for the second time, which connects PuG newcomers (mentees) with experienced PuG participants* (mentors) in so-called "buddy teams". The program is intended to help the mentees orientate themselves at the PuG, meet people and expand their network. Register for the buddy program by checking the appropriate box in the online-registration form on ConfTool .
The basic idea
When attending a conference for the first time, it's easy to feel lost. It's not just a matter of mastering the logistics and finding the right lecture rooms at the right time. Making contact with other colleagues can also be a challenge. And then there's the social program - what should I definitely take part in?
Mentors can be a helpful support in the buddy program: They introduce their mentees to the PuG world, give tips, provide an overview, and give a push in networking. In turn, the mentors also expand their network through their mentee and possibly get to know PuG from a different perspective.
What are the tasks of the mentors and what can the mentees expect?
There are no fixed requirements for the individual buddy teams. We recommend at least one personal meeting before or at the start of PuG, for example within the welcome evening. Mentors can share tips and tricks about the PuG process (e.g. "How do I decide which sessions to attend?" or "How do I minimize stress during a packed PuG day?"), recommend events (e.g. the JuWi meeting) or introduce their mentee to colleagues. Informal exchanges about research topics or introducing other colleagues are also ways to help mentees get off to a good start in the PuG community. The mentors can also be available for questions during and before the PuG.
Young scientists who already receive support through their research group can benefit from the additional perspective that "external" mentors can offer.
Registration and procedure
If you are interested in participating in the buddy program as a mentor or mentee, please indicate this when registering in Conftool. We will contact you before the conference and let you know who your buddy team partner is. Then you have enough time to contact your buddy by e-mail in the run-up to the PuG.
We offer professional childcare in the conference building. For a better planning we ask you to send us until 19 May a short mail to indicate if you want to bring your kids.